Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Everyone's in for YOG!

Don't know what the Youth Olympic Games is about??
Take the first hand view of what the Youth Olympic Games is about at the International Convention Center.

Like many Singaporeans, i knew little about what the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) is about. When i was at the International Convention centre i was able to view range of activities that is going to be carried out in Singapore from 14-26 August. Not only that, i was able to see the effort made by Singaporeans towards the YOG event that is a once in a lifetime experience for Singapore. Singapore is also very honoured to be able the host of the very first Youth Olympic Games. Over there at the centre, we are also able the see the history of the olympic touch. All these exhibition are done by lots of hardwork and effort made by the YOG volunteer that made the exhibiton a success.
Being able to get down there with my schoolmates, it's really fourtunate. After exploring the information pinned up on the exhibition. We also went to the 'friendship fabric' exhibition that showcased the beutiful artwork painted by our very own primary and secondary school students. i was very fascinated by the artwork that the students had put in effort to draw also with the colours and their very own creativity.
The YOG had made Singapore to be recognised by the world. Being a little red dot is really hard to be well-known but Singapore has made it through, Singapore has shown the world it's capabilities. I'm so proud to be a Singaporean!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Secondary 3s, 4s or 5s?? Who wins? Who do you support??
ON 3rd August 2010,
Our beloved EAST SPRING SECONDARY school organized the inter-class games between the secondary 3s, 4s and 5s students. Each class is divided in three different games, soccer (for boys), basketball (for both girls and boys) and lastly the captain's ball (for girls).
Being able to be at the event, it was really a great pleasure as I am able to witness how the other classes play in the game and how great their moves were while playing. The other teams also showed great sportsmanship by helping the opponent up when they fell and asked if they were fine. The team members also shook the opponents hand at the end of every game despite the results. The supporters cheered for the teams and did not jeer.
I was very fortunate to be able to take part in the game, and have hands-on experience myself. Even though it was tiring after the game but we enjoyed the game as it was a fun and memorable activity and it was a really good time to get our class more bonded and learn the importance of teamwork.

Photographer of the event, Cheng Wai Ling, exclaimed," the event was really intense! I'm really excited to see all the different classes competing against each other."

Racial Harmony Day 19th July 2010

How did fellow Singaporeans managed to live in harmony with one another despite the difference in their skin colour, religious views and cultural beliefs? On 19th July 2010, the secondary one and three students learnt all about it during R2ISE lessons.

In 1E3 classroom, Shermaine Yim and her friends sat down in group and interviewed one another regarding the importance racial harmony day. "If we were to be like in 1963, racial riots, where everyone were just concern about their own races, Singapore wouldn't be united and strong like what we are today," she shared. "We can be a stronger Singapore if we respect and take time to learn about one's culture and religion."

On the other hand, Fion Teo from 3e1 and Geraldine Tan from 3e5 shared how they feel regarding racial harmony day. Geraldine said, "After watching the video, about the Singapore rojak, A blend of culture, I realized that only when everyone is aware of racial harmony and the reason why it is important to have racial harmony then we can build a more united Singapore with a stronger bond within one another." "Singapore is indeed made up of people of different races, if we can't live harmoniously together, how can we work together to build a better Singapore?" Fion exclaimed.

We are a blend of different races, cultures and religions. We have so many different views. However, we are still able to work well with each other because we learn to respect each other. The importance of racial harmony day, showed us Singapore can't go forward towards better future, if we show ignorance to others of different races.